OnTrack is an online service for economic operators eligible to receive equipment from participating manufacturers as per Article 15 (7) of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD 2014/40/EU). Eligible economic operators mean all economic operators involved in the trade of tobacco product from the manufacturer to the last economic oeprator before the first retail outlet, including importers, warehouses and transporting companies.

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory

In case the Gov. Authorities of your country require a specific licence or other document to be able to trade in tobacco products, please upload a copy of this licence.
In case the Gov. Authorities of your country already issued specific ID to tobacco distributors in the scope of the TPD, please provide here your ID
Password shoud be least one number, one lowercase, one uppercase letter and length of eight or more characters
if you are an exclusive distributor of a manufacturer not available in this drop down list, it means this manufacturer does not partipate to the SGS OnTrack program. Therefore, we invite your to contact him directly for all questions related to TPD article 15(7)
An exclusive Distributor in this context is any distributor in a market who only handles and distributes tobacco products of one single Tobacco Manufacturer
you can download below a template of agreement to sign with the company you will represent. Once completed and signed, please upload a copy of this signed agreement
"Are you an exclusive distributor of one Manufacturer…" is a required field.
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Email Address is Invalid.
Password shoud be least one number, one lowercase, one uppercase letter and length of eight or more characters
Manufacturer is a required field.
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Signed agreement is required
File Type is not Valid , File should be .doc,.docx,.pdf,.png,.jif,.jpg
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If you are an exclusive distributor of a manufacturer not available in this drop down list, it means this manufacturer does not partipate in the SGS OnTrack program. Therefore, we invite you to contact him directly for all questions related to TPD article 15(7)
Heated Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarillos, Pipe Tobacco, Chewing Tobacco, Oral Tobacco (SNUS), Nasal Tobacco (SNUFF), Waterpipe Tobacco.


Type of business:


About SGS

SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. We are recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 95,000 employees, we operate a network of more than 2,400 offices and laboratories around the world.

Visit our global website at SGS.com

Contact Us

What to know more about Tobacco Products Directive? Who is eligible to apply for reimbursement? How to register a reimbursement request? Do not hesitate to contact our support team.

  • You can contact us:
    • By Email using the button “Email us” below.
    • By Live Chat using the link available in the right sidebar
    • By Phone using the below phone number